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 dula Marygold Infusion Tincture 25ml / Настойка Календулы 25мл. купить в Aмерике онлайн
dula  Marygold Infusion Tincture  25ml / Настойка Календулы 25мл. купить в Aмерике онлайн     
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Eng: dula Marygold Infusion Tincture 25ml
Rus: Настойка Календулы 25мл.
SKU: 2Kale
Country: Russia
Manufacturer: JSC Altayvitaminy

Our Price: $8.95

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2Kalendula  Marygold Infusion Tincture  25ml

Image shown may differ from the actual product


This tincture contains Marigold flowers in 70 % alcohol spirits. Marigold tincture has anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, and bile-expelling properties. It is used to clean cuts, festering wounds, burns, acne and other skin diseases as well as to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Marigold is recommended for use at the early stages of high blood pressure. This tincture helps stop headaches during menopause and contributes to overall well being for woman at this time. Marigold tincture is also used to treat cardiac diseases that produce irregular palpitations and for angina. It can also treat ulcers and inflammation in the stomach and upper small intestines ( duodenum).
Recommended dosage: For external use and gargling dilute 30 drops ( one teaspoon) in one glass of warm water. To treat acne soak cotton pads in diluted tincture and then apply for 30 minutes. Replace pads each 15 minutes

Hacmoйкa uз цвemкoв u цвemoчныx кopзuнoк нoгomкoв нa 70% cnupme (1:10).

Oблaдaeт пpoтивoвocпaлитeльным, пpoтивoмикpoбным и жeлчeгoнным дeйcтвиeм.
Пoкaзaния: вocпaлитeльныe пpoцeccы вepxниx дыxaтeльныx пyтeй и пoлocти pтa, aнгины, гнoйныe paны, oжoги.
Cпocoб пpимeнeния и дoзы: внyтpь пo 1O-2O кaпeль нa пpиeм в кaчecтвe жeлчeгoннoгo cpeдcтвa; нapyжнo в видe пoлocкaний [1 чaйнaя лoжкa нa cтaкaн вoды].

2Kalendula Marygold Infusion Tincture 25ml
V41 Vormil (against parasitic infection) 3tb OM-8
13415 Potassium Permanganate 3 Grams
25eF Fundizol - Anti-Fungus Ointment 30ml
A59 Asparkam 50 tb


Attention: All products and any information present on our site are for general use only and not meant to treat or cure any disease. Any informational statements about any products have not been evaluated by FDA, unless stated otherwise.

Attention: You should always consult a doctor before using any folk medicine herbs, oitments and tinctures.
Внимание: консультируйтесь с вашим врачом прежде чем использовать какие либо средства народной медицины.

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