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  HOME \ Herbs \ Digestion and Laxative Formulas \

Eng: enade 20 tablets
Rus: Сенаде 20 твл.
Country: India
Manufacturer: Cilpa

Our Price: $8.95

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FL52 Senade 20 tablets

Image shown may differ from the actual product


Senade has purgative qualities, stimulates and irritates the receptors of the mucous membranes of the intestines, reestablishes the normal functioning of the intestines, amplifies the muscle actions of the small intestines (peristalsis), contributes to a quicker emptying of the bowels, and reestablishes the normal functioning of the digestive tract. This product is not habit forming and does not impede digestion. Use in cases of constipation, digestive problems, ion and weakness of the digestive tract, flabby peristalsis of the large intestines, even after operations.

Do not use in cases of hypersensitivity, blockage in the intestines, strangulated hernia, acute inflammatory diseases of the organs of the abdominal cavity, peritonitis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, inflammation of the bladder, spastic constipation, and disturbances of the water-electrolyte metabolism. Pregnant and nursing women should use this product with great care. In addition, care is necessary for children under six years old, and for people with kidney problems or after major abdominal surgery.

Recommended dosage: Adults and children older than 12 years of age take 1 to 2 tablets before bedtime. If no improvement appears after several days, then increase dosage to 2 to 3 tablets at a time. For children 1 to 6 years of age the dosage equals to 1/5 of adult dosage, for children 6 to 12 years of age the dosage equals to 1/2 of the adult dosage.

Side effects include colicky abdominal pains, gas, nausea, vomiting, discoloration of urine, fatigue, mental confusion, skin eruption, diarrhea, disturbances of water-electrolyte metabolism and vascular collapse.

Other Laxative Products

Cocтaв: экcmpaкm ceнны.

Oблaдaeт cлaбитeльным дeйcтвиeм.
Пoкaзaния: ocтpыe и xpoничecкиe зaпopы y взpocлыx и дeтeй.
Cпocoб пpимeнeния и дoзы: внyтpь дo 4 тaблeтoк.

Другие Слабительные Препараты

FL52 Senade 20 tablets


Attention: All products and any information present on our site are for general use only and not meant to treat or cure any disease. Any informational statements about any products have not been evaluated by FDA, unless stated otherwise.

Attention: You should always consult a doctor before using any folk medicine herbs, oitments and tinctures.
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