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 lis Propolis Tincture (BEEHIVE RESIN) 25 Milliliters / Настойка Прополиса 25 мл. купить в Aмерике онлайн
lis  Propolis Tincture (BEEHIVE RESIN)  25 Milliliters / Настойка Прополиса 25 мл. купить в Aмерике онлайн     
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Eng: lis Propolis Tincture (BEEHIVE RESIN) 25 Milliliters
Rus: Настойка Прополиса 25 мл.
SKU: 2Propolis
Country: Russia
Manufacturer: JSC Altayvitaminy

Our Price: $8.95

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2Propolis  Propolis Tincture (BEEHIVE RESIN)  25 Milliliters

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Other Products with Propolis

Propolis · Is a 100% natural product · Has no side effects · Is a powerful immune booster · Fights aging through elimination of free radicals · Helps your body to protect itself against illness and disease
What is Propolis?
Propolis is a resinous substance collected by bees from leaf buds and exudates of trees and conifers. The bees modify the original resin composition to produce the Propolis and use it as a sealing agent and to keep the growth of microbes in the beehive under control. It is said, that the interior of a beehive is one of the most sterile environments in nature. Although the chemical composition of Propolis is very complex, the properties of Propolis have shown extensive antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Because of these biological properties, Propolis has been shown to have outstanding value to mankind for a wide variety of illnesses and maladies.
How is Propolis harvested?
Raw Propolis is harvested by commercial beekeepers by scraping Propolis buildup from wooden hive parts or by using specially constructed screens. Extraction is used to remove beeswax, resinous substances, non-active components and other impurities before being used in a variety of natural health products.
What does Propolis contain?
More than 200 individual compounds have been established as the constituents of Propolis. Propolis contains mainly resins, balsams and phenolic aldehydes (polyphenols), waxes and fatty acids, essential oils, pollen, other organics and minerals. Phenolic acids vanillic, salicylic, p-coumaric, ferulic, caffeic), their esters, courmarins and flavonoids (flavones, flavonols, flavanones, dihydroflavonols and isoflavones) have been shown to account for half of the Propolis composition. The most abundant and the best studied class of chemical constituents of Propolis is the group of polyphenols, which provide pharmacological and very powerful antioxidant properties to the composition.
What is Propolis used for?
The ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians were very much aware of the healing properties of Propolis and made extensive use of it as a medicine. In the last decade many research projects and clinical investigations have been undertaken on the prophylactic and therapeutic properties of Propolis and of the bioflavonoids it contains.
· Activates the thymus gland and therefore strengthens the immune system · Stimulates white blood cells · Has a protective effect against virus infections (cold, flu, HIV, herpes), rheumatic fever, respiratory infections, inflammation · Protects against side effect of irradiation · Protects against damage to liver cells · Promotes healing of sores, wounds, acne, blemishes, eczema · Might prevent the development of cancer · Has beneficial effect on the bodies absorption of iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium · Protects the body from oxygen free radical damage (Diseases associated with free radical damage include cardiovascular diseases leading to heart attacks, strokes, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer and Cancer as well poor liver function). The antioxidant, antimicrobial and antifungal activities of Propolis also offer opportunities in food technology and cosmetics. It is apparent, that Propolis incontestably has many nutritional and energetic benefits. The daily use has no counter-indications, in addition this product is being 100% natural and non-toxic. Propolis is a stable product, but should nevertheless be stored in airtight containers in the dark, preferably at room temperature. Propolis tinctures do not lose much of its activity, even when stored for years. All information presented is for educational purposes only. Please consult your physican before starting any cource of supplementation or treatment.

лечение Прополисом

Hacmoйкa uз nponoлuca нa 80% cnupme (1:10)

Oблaдaeт пpoтивoвocпaлитeльным дeйcтвиeм, cтимyлиpyeт пpoцeccы peгeнepaции.
Пoкaзaния: микpoтpaвмы, пoвepxнocтныe пoвpeждeния кoжныx пoкpoвoв и cлизиcтыx oбoлoчeк, oтит, фapингит, тoнзиллит, гaймopит, пapoдoнтoз.
Cпocoб пpимeнeния и дoзы: нaнocят нa paны тaмпoнoм, cмoчeнным нacтoйкoй, 1-3 paзa в дeнь; пpи oтитax пo 1-2 кaпли 3-4 paзa в дeнь; миндaлины cмaзывaют 1-2 paзa в дeнь в тeчeниe 7-10 днeй; в видe пoлocкaний 4-5 paз в дeнь в тeчeниe 3-4 днeй (пo 15 мл нa 1/2 cтaкaнa вoды).

Другие Препараты с Прополисом

лечение Прополисом

2Propolis Propolis Tincture (BEEHIVE RESIN) 25 Milliliters


Attention: All products and any information present on our site are for general use only and not meant to treat or cure any disease. Any informational statements about any products have not been evaluated by FDA, unless stated otherwise.

Attention: You should always consult a doctor before using any folk medicine herbs, oitments and tinctures.
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