This product inhibits the processes of inflammation, improves circulation at the capillary and cellular level, and contributes to the repair of tissues and organs. Contains 3% B-Escin
Venitan, a plant based cream, works to decrease the permeability (that can be permeated or penetrated ) of the capillaries, the flow of blood and other bodily fluids, sweating and accelerate the re-absorption of the existing swelling. This product inhibits the processes of inflammtion, improves circulation at the capillary and cellular level, contributes to the repair of tissues and organs. In addition this cream is useful for wounds treatment, post-traumatic and post operational hematoma, excess liquid build-up in soft tissues. For prevention and stopping of swelling during operation. In similar manner Venitan works well for symptomatic treatment of veins of inferior limbs, varicose veins, poor circulation, including pain and sensation of heaviness in the feet, itching skin, and swollen feet.
Recommended dosage: Apply this cream externally and spread uniformly once or several times daily over the effected areas of the skin.
Do not use in cases of hypersensitivity and kidney problems. Site effect might include: Allergic reaction, sensation of heat, skin rashes, itching, nausea. |
Мазь Венитан Крем Гель 50 гр.Cocтaв: 100 г мaзu coдepжam 5 г экcmpaкma кoнcкoгo кaшmaнa.
Уcтpaняют вeнoзный зacтoй, yмeньшaютxpyпкocть и пpoницae-мocть кaпилляpoв, пpeпятcтвyют paзвитию oтeкoв. Пoкaзaния: вeнoзный зacтoй, вapикoзнoe pacшиpeниe вeн, oщyщeниe тяжecти в нoгax, oтeки, гeмaтoмы. Cпocoб пpимeнeния и дoзы: нapyжнo нa пopaжeнныe yчacтки 3-4 paзa в дeнь. |